CELLSEARCH® Circulating Tumor Cell Control Kit


The CELLSEARCH® CTC Control Kit maintains quality control for reagents, instruments, and operator techniques.

Components include:

  • Twenty-four single-use control bottles containing 2 populations of a fixed breast cancer cell line at high and low concentrations
  • Different fluorescent dyes specific to each population that permit simultaneous enumeration of low and high controls in one assay
  • Control bottles that are substituted for patient samples to verify performance of reagents, sample processing by the CELLTRACKS® AUTOPREP® System, and cell analysis by the CELLTRACKS ANALYZER II® System to ensure system performance is optimal
  • Circulating tumor cell (CTC) control should be performed each day when patient testing is performed and when using a new lot of the CELLSEARCH® CTC Control Kit.

    For in vitro diagnostic use.

    Item number:

    24 tests

    For customer support, call 1-877-837-4339 and press option 2.
